11 August 2024

Île de Bréhat

The Île de Bréhat is about a mile of the coast of Bretagne, fairly near where we're staying. Visiting an island was high on my list for this trip, and when we got details from our tourist office, it was a go!

We checked with our friends who live on the opposite side of the ferry point - they were all for it! We kept an eye on the weather forecast (changing every single day...), and bought our tickets online a couple of days before. We picked a likely time, and *just* made it! The traffic was not an issue at all, but! The parking was *crowded*! We had a backup plan, but YAY, we didn't need it 😃

Our trip out included a tour around the island, so we saw *much* more than we would have been able to see on land - no cars...

We waved to fellow boaters 🙂

Lots of rocks out here

More rocks 😜

And rock climbers!

This was an interesting phenomenon - the tidal currents were at odds in this section - you can see the ripples!

I can't imagine how hard it would be to swim here!

There were several of these - I'm sure the commentary said what they were, but I missed it!
Update: Rick tells me they're for daylight navigation 🥰

Some seaweed too (I had a sauce the other day that was seasoned with seaweed)

We arrived, walked around just a bit, and had our packed lunch sitting on a log under a tree! 

Most of the houses were made with stone, and these wheelbarrows/carts were everywhere!

Then we popped in for a cider. It's served in these bowls (bolée)! We felt a little like we were drinking "coffee" wink wink!

We could see our return ferry arriving, so we headed out. It was low tide by then, so the walk out was a *lot* farther! But again, we seemed to make it just in time 😁


In high summer, you expect crowds, and we figured any weekend would be even worse! But in this area, the vacation rentals are usually Saturday to Saturday, so people are busy moving around then - the advice we got was to use that to our advantage, and visit the island then - it would still be busy, of course! Likewise, we had read about the restrictions on the number of visitors to the island, but the tourist office said that it didn't apply on the weekends!

Also, the tickets were for any time that day - if we missed the one we were aiming for, we knew we could get the next one.

OK! We did it!

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