03 August 2024


We're here! For the next 2 weeks, we're in a lovely apartment in Bretagne, near St Brieuc - Saint-Quay-Portrieux to be exact!

This morning, we left our motel in a nearby town, and stopped at a few viewpoints.
Where will our road lead?

To the bay?

Along a hay field?

To distant islands?


We originally planned our trip based on this Airbnb, which only has Saturday starts and stops - meaning we could leave our home in the south on Friday, and finish here on Saturday. Then! I checked on the traffic forecast (Bison Fute), which (of course!) said that Friday and Saturday would be *terrible* for traffic (weekend, summer vacation, blah blah). So, we decided to do our big day of driving a day earlier - Thursday should be fine (Hah! See what happened to us here!) But that meant we would need a near-by hotel for Friday. OK - found! 

Wonderful, great, we got in a little sightseeing (see photos above), then on to the tourist office for the *best* information! Got a good recommendation for lunch, had lunch, then on to the apartment! Unpacked, got oriented, found a grocery store, made sure to get enough to last us through Sunday (limited grocery options then)... Phew! Finally relaxing, watching the *rain* (and people walking in it, wearing shorts - like me 😜).

We've had our little apéro, and now it's time to get dinner going 😋

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