04 August 2024

Bretagne Saint-Quay-Portrieux

Last night's view!

Today, we wanted a relaxing day, so we planned a short drive to the harbor for lunch and meandering (flâner in French).

Well, it was a good idea, and it did work out at the end. But! As we approached our goal, we ran up against a brocante (flea market) that had closed down the entire area! We tried a few parking spots (nope, too small. nope, waaay too small), then got one!

So, it was a longer walk (with purpose) than planned, but we got there!

Check out the effects of low tide on the Atlantic side!

Low Tide!

Low Tide, from the breakwater 

We've gotten used to the minimal tide changes on the Mediterranean (officially a tideless sea), so this sight is a bit shocking!

After a *great* lunch, we headed back. Twice before, I had turned down this street (as instructed by Google) - but the last time, someone honked (in a not-angry kind of way), and I caught a glimpse of a sign... Yep, confirmed later - it's a one-way street, and I had gone the wrong way!
It's this little alley, showing a hotel.

So *this* time, we experimented with another route (successfully)!

I spent some of my afternoon planning a couple of day-trips. (It'll be fun!)

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