08 January 2023

Spain 2023 to Granada

Granada! We made it! Our longest drive (hopefully) of the trip took us 6 1/2 hours - no tickets, no accidents, no crazy anxiety about the route, no long detours 🙂. We did drive through some awful smog/smoke near Murcia, and our air re-circulation kept turning off 😒. Twice, while driving up a mountain, my poor car slowed down and down, all the way to 80, in a 120k/h zone! I thought for sure that 4th hamster had died of exhaustion... We ran into some rain near the end, while driving through even more mountains, but it was barely a drizzle when we got to the hotel.

Most of our drive was with partly cloudy skies - the sun bounced around, lighting up the dramatic swirls, and even gave us a few rainbows! 

Everywhere we looked, we saw mountains! There were all kinds! Some were tree-covered, many had castles on top, and most were simply sheer - we saw three or four "Sandia Mountains"!

We kept saying that of course the Spaniards felt at home when they got to Arizona and New Mexico!

As we were driving, we couldn't take pictures - they're all in our heads now 🙂. Here is one from our lunch stop...

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