17 April 2021

Check the Freezer!

Check the Freezer!

I don't think I've ever had such a variety of meats in my freezer! I took stock today, and here's what's available:

- rabbit legs (3)

- Toulouse sausage (2), it's a sweet fat link style

- steak haché (that's hamburger patties to you and me)

- chicken breasts

- turkey breast scallops

- actual scallops

- pork tenderloin (3)

- pork roast (I usually cut it up for stew)

- duck breast (2)

- smoked sausage

On top of that, I have, in my refrigerator:

- roasted chicken (leftovers)

- pan-fried pork kidneys (leftovers)

- smoked trout

- fois gras

- cooked ham

- chorizo (hot)

- Italian cured beef (very thin slices; similar to smoked ham or prosciutto)

Funny, I was just thinking the other day, that we seem to eat nothing but pork and chicken!

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