22 February 2020

Panfried Eggplant

At this month's French/English potluck, Renate brought an eggplant dish (not this one, but it was delicious!) - in discussing it, she said she didn't go through all the hassle of salting and rinsing before cooking it... Hmmm... I decided to try the panfry method!

Panfried Eggplant

Half of one eggplant, diced (~1/3 inch)
Half Zucchini, diced (optional)
Salt - more than you would expect
Oil - also more than you would expect
cayenne pepper to taste
cinnamon - less than you would expect

Brown vegetables in the spiced oil, in a frying pan on high heat.

Deglaze with port. Serve hot.
2 servings

Cooked eggplant is not very photogenic.

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