19 July 2022

Oslo Opera House

The Oslo Opera House - isn't it an amazing building?!?

It's meant to seem like an iceberg, and various art projects, inside and out, reinforce that.

I'm not the only one who found this one stunning. From Wikipedia's entry on the Opera House : "She Lies, a sculpture constructed of stainless steel and glass panels by Monica Bonvicini. It is permanently installed on a concrete platform in the fjord adjacent to Opera House and floats on the water moving in response to tides and wind to create an ever-changing face to viewers"
"She Lies"

Walking on the roof to the top!

At the entrance, there is a statue of Kristen Flagstad, famous Norwegian opera singer "Called "the voice of the century", she ranks among the greatest singers of the 20th century."

The view from the top of the Opera House certainly lived up to its reputation!
Here is the Munch museum, looking like it's going to bend down and "slinky" off its pedestal 😉
Munch is the Norwegian artist who painted "The Scream"

Part of the façade along the roof looked a bit like (depending on your orientation) braille or punched paper tape (computer data storage). But, in looking it up, it's meant to evoke old weaving patterns. (Hmm, perhaps our modern ideas for braille and punch tapes came from weaving...)

There are (of course) lots of boats and islands

Obviously, it's a nice day!

All kinds of modern architecture here!

Including this cantilevered building, housing the Deichman Bjørvika, public library.

From inside - you can see some people walking up to the roof, on the other side of the glass...
The Waving Wood Wall

Unfortunately, the only way to see the stage was via a tour - we just find those too tiring. But we did like this interesting wall in the lobby (by the coat-check and toilets) 😁
Melting Iceberg 

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