29 June 2022

Dinner By Marché

Tonight's dinner brought to you by the Marché !

In a hot non-stick pan, cook a handful of cleaned chopped girolles (chanterelles - mushrooms). Don't move them around until the liquid has evaporated.

Stir in some olive oil and salt.

Add 2 cloves of garlic, sliced into roundels. Stir and cook until browned, then remove from the pan.

Add to the pan:

A double handful of chopped green beans

Water to cover

A pinch of dried thyme


Cook until slightly crunchy, covering as needed.

Boil off any remaining water, then add olive oil and the cooked mushrooms and garlic. 

Cook and stir a couple of minutes more, then serve.


We had this with the tielle I got at the market!

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