20 June 2015

Internet Sabbatical Update

It hasn't even been a week!
Here is my nearly daily view* during our Internet Sabbatical

This is my current todo list once I'm connected:
- check mail, reply
- check in/out library books; search for more
- photo / blog updates
- Facebook
- check coupons
- German phrase book (offline)
- Montpellier guide book (offline)
- update offline maps as needed
- download Google translate offline packages
- update apps (waiting for androxplorer bug fix)

What I realized I normally do at home, (but now I can't):
- when reading or watching a movie, look up locations, words (spelling, pronunciation, meaning), history, people
- send or read links via email, then discuss
- keep up with friends on Facebook; read their links and long posts, add comments, stay in a fun thread
- upload pictures and write posts real-time
- load coupons to my grocery card
- plan an excursion on Google maps, using wiki
- look for books to borrow from the library
- see how to get somewhere new
- listen to internet music channels (Pandora)
- read news from the foreign press
- checking the weather before going out

* this is a piece of public art, called "Metal Paper," outside the entrance to the main library in Albuquerque

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