06 January 2024

Sevilla 2024 Three Kings Day

January 6th is a big deal in Sevilla! Not only is it the celebration of the last day of Christmas, but also the day of the Three Kings...

Yesterday there was a *huge* parade (Cabalgata, because it includes horses) all around Sevilla - there were over 3000 participants, all of them throwing candy! The usual order is: Marching band, "Bédouins," floats of various themes, King Melchor, more floats, then another band and Bédouins, King Gaspar, more floats, another band and Bédouins, and ending with King Balthazar.

We watched that on TV...

This evening, there was another parade, just for the Triana neighborhood (where we're staying), and we walked down the street to join in...

Here's what's left of our "haul" 🤪






More photos : Sevilla 2024 Cabalgatas

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