27 November 2023

Barcelona 2023 - Disaster?

Today's plan(s):

- The ambitious one: tour Domènech i Montaner's art nouveau hospital, Recinte Moderniste de Sant Pau and Pabellón San Antonio, then get lunch, then tour La Sagrada Familia

- The scaled down one: tour the hospital, come home, get lunch in the neighborhood, and relax. 

Not feeling ambitious, we decided to scale down ☺️. So, most of a taxi ride later, we had to go 8 blocks out of our way, as some streets were blocked off. By the second blocked street, I was getting suspicious. Approaching the hospital, we pass limo after parked limo, plus several tour buses. Hmmm. We found the ticket office, and the helpful agent told us that most of the buildings (basically all the good stuff) were closed - some kind of special visit going on; better to come back tomorrow 😔.

Well, ok... We can see La Sagrada in the distance, and find that it's only a kilometer away, so we saunter along a nice street to get there.

We look around for a ticket office - no! You can only buy online, and only for a specific entry time! OK... I try to log in to their WiFi - no! Again?!? So far, I have been able to connect, but not sign in, to no less than 4 public WiFis in Spain 😠. OK... Turn on data, look for tickets - first available time is in about an hour. We're getting pretty discouraged.

After a shorter taxi ride home, we had a comfort-food lunch (quesadillas with lactose free cheese 😋). 

We'll try again tomorrow!

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