11 November 2022

Pineapple Sauce

The other day I walked past a fruit stand, and a pineapple caught my eye - it was from Costa Rica! Well, of course I had to get it! But then what?


Pineapple Sauce

1/2 cup Pineapple

1/4 cup Brown sugar

1 cup Water 

1/2 tsp Ginger

1/4 tsp Thyme

Cloves, 1-2 taps

Cayenne, 1 tap

1/4 tsp Salt

At end, stir in and simmer to thicken

1 tsp Cornstarch in a slurry


Very good with:

Cod - simmer covered, 5 minutes, then remove and stir in cornstarch slurry

Green beans - cooked separately for nice color


** Don't do what I did! My first try at the sauce, I wasn't paying attention, and I burned it 🙄 - smoke everywhere, and there was just no saving it. I started over...

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