05 September 2020

Chichoumai avec Porc (Summer Veggies with Pork)

Chichoumai avec Porc (Summer Veggies with Pork)

Chichoumai (selon Cosette), ou Chichoumé (selon sa sœur Susanne), est un plat sétois pareil à ratatouille. Moi, j'ajoute du porc, et un petit peu de Martini rosso.

Chichoumai (according to Cosette), or Chichoumé (according to her sister Susanne), is a Sétois dish similar to ratatouille (and to my Noto Veggies). I add pork and a little red vermouth.


Slow-cook 4 portions of pork (shoulder is best):

In a pan on low heat, simmer pork in enough salted water to cover. Optionally, add thyme and a splash of olive oil. Replenish water as needed. After 3-4 hours, shred the pork, and remove any pieces of fat. Reserve the pork, retaining the liquid (There shouldn't be more than 1/4 cup of liquid).

Chichoumai (Summer vegetables):

Chop 1 small eggplant and one small or half a large zucchini, place in a bowl, stir in salt, and let rest for half an hour or more, then drain.

Add the vegetables to the pan, turn to high heat, and add:

- plenty of olive oil, enough to fully coat the pan

- 2 onions, sliced

- 2 cloves garlic, sliced or pressed

Cover and cook, stirring occasionally, until veggies are soft, then add:

- a splash of Martini rosso (red vermouth) to deglaze

- the slow-cooked pork and liquid 

- 1/2 to 1 cup (<500 gm) tomato sauce, to taste

- basil

- salt to taste (I don't usually add any more)

Reduce heat, cover, and simmer 10 minutes or more for flavors to meld, stirring occasionally.

Serve with pasta and/or baguette.

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