25 August 2008

Fremont Farmer's Market & Biking

We went to the local Farmer's Market this weekend. There are a lot of these around the Bay Area - usually on Saturday mornings - and they are pretty easy to find by looking online. The produce (and bread!) are wonderfully fresh, tasty, and inexpensive (especially if you hit the last hour, when they start reducing prices).

The Fremont Farmer's Market is right at the Amtrak train depot - plenty of free parking, fairly small, but friendly!

Sunday called for bike riding!

Fremont has a nice greenbelt - it goes along either side of a canal that leads to the bay. It is a part of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Program. You can download a nice PDF map from here, or you can pick up one along the path.

Saw some nice flowers along the way. This is similar to a shrub w/ cream colored flowers (fabulous scent) in Palo Alto (by the Lucy Stern theatre), and to one with rose-tinted flowers (in other parts of the Bay Area as well as in Costa Rica) - but no scent to speak of.

Also saw some interesting birds and fish - Snowy Egrets, carp, trout, even dogs :). Here is a Great Blue Heron.

Stats - just over 10 miles, just over 1 hour.
Kept seeing "reduce speed" signs, so, knowing they were talking about me, I kept sloooowwwwiiiinngg dooooowwwwn.

Note to self - always *start* your bike ride *into* the wind...

Another interesting bike route for Sundays is the Cañada road in San Mateo County - each Sunday, about 4 miles of Cañada road is closed to cars, and open to bikes and walks.

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