21 November 2021

Dinner and...

These look a little sad, don't they? So... Empty!

But, oh my, they sure were good with dinner!

We had the Pouilly Fuissé with our starter of mussels - it was a perfect combination!

We moved on to the Mas des Étoiles for the main meal. This is from the Cahors, of 100% Malbec grapes. It was incredibly smooth and rich. With it, we had my cherry chocolate chipotle glazed pork tenderloin, mushrooms, roasted potatoes, garlic pecan green beans, and (of course) baguette from La Pétrisane. Our next course was chili con carne, façon Marie-Sylvie, and green salad. The wine extended the spice in the spicy 🙂.

After a short break, we had a cheese plate - reblochon, comté, and chavignol. 

Then! Brownies! With little "November-birthday-girls" candles 🙂. Fantastic with the Veuve Clicquot champagne that we had been saving for what seemed like forever...

Four and a half hours after our appetizers, we said goodbye to our friends, and laid to rest our poor, brave, empty bottles - it was a very good evening 🙂

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