28 April 2021

France in Spring - Flageolet and Asparagus

France in Spring - Flageolet and Asparagus

A few weeks ago, we tried a classic French dish - I had heard about it in my classes, over 10 years ago. It's something "every French person" looks forward to in Spring - the Flageolet bean! That dish was with Leg of lamb, which was great for restaurant take-out, but too much to cook at home for 2 people!

On my next trip to the grocery store, I bought some, and tonight, I made this! It is definitely high on my "successful experiments" list!


Pork and Flageolet For 2

Slow-cook 1 pound of cut up pork shoulder:

- water to cover

- salt

- ginger

- bay leaves

- cloves

Simmer several hours. Use less than half of this here. I use the rest of the pork in a couscous, and the broth for cooking.

In a hot pan, stir together and cook 5 minutes:

olive oil

1/2 tsp ginger

1/2 tsp espelette

salt with herbs (I used mélange for potatoes)

2 cloves garlic, chopped

1/2 candied lemon (citron confit), chopped

cooked pork (enough for two)


chopped asparagus

1/4 cup broth

Cover and cook 3-4 minutes


1 cup cooked, rinsed, drained, green flageolet beans

sprinkle ground black pepper

Cover, lower heat, and let heat through for 5 minutes.

Stir and serve.

(And don't forget to giggle a bit over the name 😜)


Based on: https://www.gourmicom.fr/recette-porc-saute-flageolets-citron-confit/

Flageolet: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flageolet_bean

Citron confit is preserved lemon - they are easy to find in France. Here is a recipe, so you have an idea of what it is like: https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/257169/citrons-confits-express-quick-preserved-lemons/

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