03 July 2019

Car Advantage

One big (expected) advantage of having a car is getting grocery shopping over and done with, changing a big chore into a fairly simple task.

Today, that was my job; Rick had an appointment downtown with a knee specialist, and planned to take one of two buses - easy!

Until it's not! It's summer, and buses are later and later - the published schedule is not ideal to count on when you have to be somewhere at a given time. Our plan B - the bus stop is on my way, so when I saw Rick *still* waiting, I pulled in, he jumped in, and I made the detour to downtown to drop him off. Tah-dah! He made it in time! And then I got on with my day :-)

One more advantage of having a car - you just know there are soooo many more, just waiting to be discovered...

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