26 April 2018

Coq Tacheté (French Speckled Rooster)

Coq Tacheté (French Speckled Rooster)

When we lived in Costa Rica, we got quite attached to Gallo Pinto, which is a rice and beans dish. It translates literally to "Speckled Rooster," due to the color, which is brownish with small bits of white and red.

Over the years, I modified my recipe (http://slowtravelin.blogspot.fr/2014/07/is-it-still-gallo-pinto.html).

Now, here in France, I have a different version! And, of course, a modified name :-)

Coq Tacheté (French Speckled Rooster)

In a pot, combine:
1/2 cup brown rice
1/2 cup French green lentils
dash salt
2 cups water
Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes. Let cool.

For the basic Coq Tacheté:
Heat oil in a pan to medium-high, and cook approximately equal parts:
finely chopped onion
finely chopped celery (optional)
finely chopped sweet red chile*
Add the rice and lentils and heat through, slightly scorching the mixture
Salt and pepper to taste

For breakfast, add scrambled eggs
For dinner, add a green veggie and chicken
For something more exotic, use coconut milk

* if you can't find this, then use bell pepper, but only stirred in just before serving (otherwise, they're tasteless)

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