20 April 2020

Dehumidified Heaven

Wow! So, the last several days have been soooo humid! Fog or rain all day long, temperatures in the high 60's (F), and humidity in the 90's! This equates to... Clammy, and generally Yucky, Sticky, and Yucky again...
Thankfully, we had an air conditioner PLUS dehumidifier stored in our cave! I brought it up, and, we now have...
Dehumidified Heaven!

08 April 2020

Even the Birds

Even the birds came out to thank our health-care workers last night! This, as usual, was at 8pm.
Today's shopping report ('cause what other news do you have?) :
I went at noon (ish), and there was a short line (I waited maybe 10 minutes). Inside, I noticed the store's timing chart - it seems mid afternoon has the fewest people now.
The sections for bleach, rubbing alcohol, and gloves were all empty.
Still no yeast, but I did get some T65 flour. I should have asked if the boulangerie would sell me some yeast, but I didn't think of it in time.
Lots of fresh veggies!
At the checkout, it seems they can scan your fidelity card through the plexiglass...
My fridge is waaaay full!

06 April 2020

Confinement Bread and Soup

Well, we're down to the emergency rations, and planning on shopping tomorrow.

I tried my hand at milk-less soda bread. Now I know where hardtack got its name. Fortunately, I had my doubts, and so only made a half-recipe.

Our frozen broccoli soup came out much better! The best part is that I now have more room in my freezer. The next best is that it can *almost* soften the hardtack, I mean soda bread.

Happy Confinement, Everyone!