09 January 2022

Braised Pork Hearts

Braised Pork Hearts

The other day, I saw a package of pork hearts, and couldn't resist trying them - another "something new".

The package was 1.5 kg - This turned out to be 4 hearts! After trimming them, it came to about 3 lbs. It took me an HOUR and a QUARTER to do this! And I had a couple of finger-cuts by the end. I got the hang of it by heart #3 🙄. No Band-Aids were required.

I think I "saved" some meat that could/should have been tossed - we'll see, I guess. I saw - it was not a problem!

Of note: I got these 3 pounds for 1,75€, or $2, which comes to 67¢/lb, an unheard of deal in France!

Cubed meat, trimmed with my new French paring knife

For each pound* of trimmed and diced meat, add:

3 TBS oil

1 C red wine

Salt and pepper 

Marinade 24 hours in a large covered bowl in the fridge.

Freeze part for later.

For braising, use 1lb of meat

In a medium-hot pan, brown the meat, then deglaze with 1(+) cup of the marinade.

Reduce heat, add seasonings:





4 small chopped onions

1 chopped clove of garlic

Cover, and let simmer for 1/2 hour.

Add stew vegetables (carrots, celery), and cook another half hour.

Adjust salt as needed (none needed)

I added chopped green beans 10 minutes before the end.

It was interesting. The first bite tasted somewhat like liver, but without the grainy texture. That sensation faded. It definitely wasn't rubbery, but was firm. Overall, the dish had a little too much oil. We decided we could do this again (with the frozen meat) in a few months, but I'll try cooking it longer. I don't think it will break down much, but it will be worth trying. I *think* that I would buy this again, if I saw it, next year.

UPDATE: I pulled out some of the frozen stuff (meat plus marinade), and did a quick stovetop saute. It's a definite NO! Bitter...


* So, for 3 lbs, marinate in:

1/2 C + 1 TBS oil

3 C red wine

1/2 tsp each salt and pepper

Inspired by:


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