12 August 2016

My Day in Italian

Oggi, ho compiuto pulire la casa ed ho spostato il letto, la lampada, e la seggiola in camera. Poi sono andata alla biblioteca, l'AAA per il mio patente di guida internazionale, e sono andata di tutto i negozi per comprare altri camicie (ho trovato solamente una!). E, ho controllato la casella postale.

^ Looks impressive, doesn't it? (You should hear me say it!) :-)
Doing it? Well: Today, I finished cleaning the house and rearranged the bedroom. Then I went to the library, AAA for my international driver's license, and I went to all the stores to buy more shirts (I only found one). And, I checked the mail.

This is what a 42-day streak on Duolingo will do for you (and it's fun).

Meanwhile, I've been watching Italian movies:
Gamorrah (2008), Garrone
Il Divo (2008), Sorrentino
Caesar Must Die (2012) doc'y
The Postman (1994), Radford
Cinema Paradiso (1988), Tornatore

And reading Italian-themed books

Can you say "can't wait?" (Non vedo l'ora)

Oops! I had some errors, and had to fix my Italian! I forgot that andato takes essere. And I may still have to change tutto :-\

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