07 June 2020

Picadillo in France

Picadillo in France?

A quick search through my refrigerator showed that I would have to use up some carrots pretty quickly! I started chopping those up, then added half a zucchini that was just hanging around. I chopped them small, like I would for a picadillo in Costa Rica. (Picadillo means chopped, but in Costa Rica, it's a type of dish made from a variety of vegetables, all chopped to the size of a fingertip)

I had just watched a Jaques Pépin video on garlic, and had some *fresh* garlic that I wanted to try. So, I smashed them, and chopped them fine. (My knife doesn't work quite as well as his, but it was good enough!)

From there, I just added a few things I thought might go - it worked!

In a medium high pan, add
olive oil
3 chopped carrots
1/2 chopped zucchini
1-2 TBS allumettes fumées (these are finely chopped smoked bacon, or extra skinny lardons)
Cover, stirring occasionally until done and lightly browned
Turn heat to low, and add
2 smashed and chopped garlic cloves
1 tsp shallots
1/2 tsp dried cilantro leaves (coriandre feuille)
Stir well, cook less than 1 minute, and serve.

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